by ENTERLINE Married duo, Enterline (Melanie and Drew Enterline) released their full length album entitled “Kingdoms” on June 1, 2018. Featuring 11 original songs produced by Tyler Chester (Fiction Family) and Mark Suhonen (Urban Rescue), and mixed by Sean Moffitt (Phil Wickham, Lauren Daigle, Newsboys). The reoccurring theme and heart beat behind this record is the message of love. “We believe we have an incredible opportunity to be apart of and build the Kingdom of God here on earth. God sent his Son so that we could have a life full of freedom, truth, and share a love that can only come from Him.” From their upbeat and uplifting singles like ‘Running Free’ and ‘Kingdoms’ to the heart-warming songs like ‘Rest’ you can hear their unique sound ranging from a pop, rock, and contemporary style. The anthemic track ‘All for Love’ comes from a desire to see the walls of hate and division break down among today’s society; and for Christians to stop and ask themselves if they are truly showing Jesus’ love to everyone, despite their differences. These songs were written out of a personal place to encourage others to shift their perspective towards freedom, truth, hope, and love, and to get up and dance! For more information and for chord charts visit: |